Acupuncture is the insertion of single use, sterile needles into specific locations on the body which are determined after an comprehensive health history intake. Acupuncture works by removing obstructions and moving blood in your body. During your acupuncture appointment, we will discuss your health at length, observe your tongue, check your pulses, and insert needles. Observing the tongue and pulse tells me a great deal about your organs, your energy, the health of your blood, and greatly assist in diagnosis. After needles are inserted, they are retained dependent upon your diagnosis, your constitution, the time of year, and the weather outside.
Afraid of Needles? Click here.
Afraid of Needles? Click here.
Chinese Herbs
Herbal appointments are available in combination with acupuncture or as stand alone appointments. A detailed health history is required to ensure a proper diagnosis and thus herbal prescription. Chinese herbal formulas are an individualized combination of herbs with each herb in the formula playing a very important role in restoring health specific to your circumstance. During your appointment, an herbal formula may be suggested for you as herbs can nourish and support acupuncture treatments. If herbs are part of your treatment, I will explain your formula (dosage, duration, and what changes to expect) to you at your appointment.
Moxibustion is the use of an herb known as Mugwort. When burned above or on certain acupuncture points, it can add a great advantage to treatment. Most people feel a comfortable warming sensation that is affectionately welcomed. Moxibustion works by stimulating the flow of blood and energy. If this is modality is appropriate for you, I will advise you as such in your appointment.
Cupping is a method of treatment whereby a glass cup is voided of its oxygen content thus creating a vacuum effect and immediately placed directly upon the skin. The skin rises into the cup creating a local stagnation of the tissues and blood forcing toxins and stagnation to be released while also activating the lymph system. Dark marks can sometimes be left on the skin after treatment, but generally go away anywhere between 3- 10 days. Many relate the experience to a massage. Cupping is available in combination with acupuncture or as a stand alone therapy. If cupping is a modality appropriate for you, I will advise you in your appointment. Please note most insurance companies do not cover cupping therapy.
Please check that you have Acupuncture benefits by asking your insurance company what your deductible is, how much your co-pay or co-insurance is, and your visit limits before scheduling. You may call the office prior to your first appointment to have your insurance benefits verified, however, benefits are not guaranteed at the time of service per the information provided by your insurance company. Bridgetown Acupuncture is currently in network with most insurance companies.
Bridgetown Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic does bill insurance for medically necessary treatments. We will bill your insurance company directly for services rendered. However please note that your health plan with your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. Treatments may or may not be covered dependent upon your contract inclusions and exclusions.
Bridgetown Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic does bill insurance for medically necessary treatments. We will bill your insurance company directly for services rendered. However please note that your health plan with your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. Treatments may or may not be covered dependent upon your contract inclusions and exclusions.